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Hamish Wilcox

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¿Qué rol tienes en el equipo olímpico?

49er coach / specialist

¿Cuáles han sido tus principales hitos profesionales?

I started sailing Olympic classes in 1979. I won the 470 class worlds in 1981,’83,’84. Including 1992 in Barcelona, I have been coaching at 8 Olympic Games, 5 for NZL and 3 for GBR. My teams have won 1 gold and 4 silver medals and 2x 4th places. I have also done 6x Americas Cup, winning twice. Finally I have been coaching the Spanish Sail GP and we just won the 2024 Final. I am currently coach for Luna Rossa in Barcelona.

¿Cuál ha sido el momento más memorable de tu vida a nivel profesional?

Coaching Peter Burling and Blair Tuke over 4 years towards and including the 2016 Olympics and winning every sailing regatta we entered concluding with the Gold medal.

¿Podrías identificar tu trabajo con una frase?

Helping people get the best out of themselves.

¿Alguna particularidad que quieras destacar?

I am very proud to have raised 2 children who both went to the Olympic Games 3x in two different sports, Sailing and Skiing.